lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

Abuso sexual a través del "nude boy art". Say Bye bye Art Bernard Online! By David CIA-P Au.

Fuente Original:
In Ref: Most info about "ART BERNARD..."
Web site bites the dust!
Directamente de Australia: David, quien no se despega ni un momento de su tarea frente a bl.lit-info de Will McBride ni tampoco de "artebernardonline" de Bernard Myburgh, un gran trabajo que ha requerido vigilancia día y noche en diferentes frentes en la red y países donde alojan su porquería "nude boy art  ", que no es más que el uso y abuso de menores de edad y la manipulación de sus familiares para ser agredidos sexualmente en "pseudo trabajos de arte".
La tarea continuará, porque falta aún lograr que se vayan a la cárcel y paguen sus crímenes, tan angtiguos como la organización rusa "Blue Orchide", desmantelada por la Policía Rusa y las autoridades americanas a comienzos de siglo.
De momento nos comunicaremos con el Banco que recibe las donaciones para que sean confizcadas puesto que están financiando crimenes sexuales contra niños; muchas de esas obras están inspirada en actos reales, cuando no, en fotografías realizadas por la mafia rusa a los cientos de niños que traficaban para esclavos sexuales y pornografía infantil desde antes del 2000.

From: David CIA-P Au
Date: 2010/5/24
Subject: Say Bye bye Art Bernard Online!
To: Joshua
​Hey Joshua,
say bye bye to Art Bernard Online. Check this out:
Now you'll find this:
"Your php script has an error or account was terminated for terms infringement."

Of course, I let the hosting company know exactly what he is up to, and that he was in violation of their terms of service, namely no adult content! Here's the reply:

From: Free Web Hosting Area
To: David CIA-P AU
Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 17:55:17 +0300

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Account is terminated.

In case anyone starts crying "witch hunt" this man was ordered by the Police to *stop* selling his indecent images of boys and *shut down* his websites! He didn't do that and clearly cannot and *will
not* obey the Dutch Police! If the general public never found his paintings offensive, he wouldn't have been shut down five times before, but then paedophiles are *not* members of the general public are they? All normal people don't want to have sex with children, or masturbate over images of naked young boys! The sooner the Dutch Police thow this monster Bernard Myburgh into prison and destroy his horrendous paintings showing real sexual abuse the better!! His paintings are exactly what the Dutch Police say they are - child pornography - otherwise they never would have siezed them in the first place!!

Will McBride and Bernard Myburgh
Blue Orchid members!


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